English Learner Student Resources
Vision and Mission for ELs
The vision and mission of the Evergreen Union School District (EUSD) is aligned with the US Department of Education vision for ELs under the ESSA and the CA Department of Education vision for ELs under the CA English Learner Roadmap.
English learners of the Evergreen Union School District fully and meaningfully access and participate in a 21st Century education from early childhood through grade twelve that results in their attainment of a high level of English proficiency, mastery of grade level standards, and opportunities to develop proficiency in multiple languages.
Evergreen Union School District prepares students with the linguistic, academic, and social skills and competencies they require for college, career, and civic participation in a global, diverse, and multilingual world, thus ensuring a thriving future for California.
Goals of the Program
The EUSD goals for the EL Program comes from the four principles that are the foundation of the CA English Learner Roadmap:
Goal #1 : Assets-Oriented and Needs-Responsive Schools
EUSD is responsive to different EL’s strengths, needs, and identities and support the socio-emotional health and development of ELs. Programs value and build upon the cultural and linguistic assets students bring to their education in safe and affirming school climates. Educators value and build strong family, community, and school partnerships.
Goal #2: Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access
EUSD ELs engage in intellectually rich, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency. These experiences integrate language development, literacy, and content learning as well as provide access for comprehension and participation through native language instruction and scaffolding. ELs have meaningful access to a full standards-based and relevant curriculum and the opportunity to develop proficiency in English and other languages.
Goal #3: System Conditions that Support Effectiveness
Each level of the EUSD system has leaders and educators who are knowledgeable of and responsive to the strengths and needs of ELs and their communities and who utilize valid assessment and other data systems that inform instruction and continuous improvement. Each level of the system provides resources and tiered support to ensure strong programs and build the capacity of teachers and staff to leverage the strengths and meet the needs of ELs.
Goal #4: Alignment and Articulation Within and Across Systems
ELs experience a coherent, articulated, and aligned set of practices and pathways across grade levels and educational segments in the EUSD system, beginning with a strong foundation in early childhood and appropriate identification of strengths and needs, and continuing through to reclassification, graduation, higher education, and career opportunities. These pathways foster the skills, language(s), literacy, and knowledge students need for college- and career-readiness and participation in a global, diverse, multilingual, twenty-first century world.
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
The Initial Assessment
Any student who is identified as having a primary language other than English as determined by the HLS, and who has not previously been identified as an English learner by a CA public school or for who there is no record of results from an administration of an EL proficiency test, shall be initially assessed for English proficiency until the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). English language proficiency is assessed in listening, speaking, reading, and writing on the Initial ELPAC. (EdCode 313, 52164.1; 5 CCR 11511)
The overall performance level on the Initial ELPAC will classify the student as:
- Level 1 -Novice (Classified as EL)
- Level 2 - Intermediate (Classified as EL)
- Level 3- Initially Fluent in English (IFEP)
The Summative Assessment
Each year after a student is identified as an English learner and until he/she is redesignated as English proficient, the summative assessment of the ELPAC shall be administered to the student during a four-month period after January 1st as determined by the California Department of Education (CDE). (EdCode 313)
**The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians of their child’s results on the ELPAC within 30 calendar days following receipt of the results from the test contactor.
Parent Notification
Parents should be notified within 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year or, if the student is identified for program participation during the school year, within two weeks of the student’s placement in the program about the program placement.
The notification must include all of the following:
- The reason for the identification as an EL and the need for placement in a language acquisition program.
- The level of English proficiency, how the level was assessed, and the status of the student’s academic achievement.
- A description of the language acquisition program in which the student will be participating, including:
- methods of instruction
- manner in which it will meet educational needs of student
- manner in which it will help the student develop his/her English proficiency and meet academic standards, and
- the expected rate of transition from the program into classes not tailored for ELs.
*Special education students should receive information about the manner in which the program meets the requirements of the IEP.
- The identification of a student as a long-term English learner or at risk of becoming a long-term English learner and the manner in which the program will meet his/her educational needs.
- Information about the parents’/guardians’ rights to:
- decline to enroll the student in the program or choose another program, if available
- choose the program that best fits their child’s needs, if available
- remove their child from a program at their request
Instructional Programs
EUSD offers a research-based language acquisition program that is designed to ensure English language acquisition as rapidly and as effectively as possible and that provides instruction to students on the state-adopted content standards, including the English language development standards (EdCode 306; 5 CCR 11300)
This program uses the CA English Language Development Standards and the CA ELA/ELD Framework to give specific guidance to the teacher.
- Structured English Immersion - This program offers both Designated and Integrated English language development. Nearly all instruction is provided in English, but with the curriculum and presentation designed for students who are learning English. Clarification, explanation, and support in the primary language may be provided, if necessary, by the teacher or paraprofessional.
EUSD provides additional and appropriate educational services to ELs for the purposes of language barriers. Annually, or more often if needed, the Language Appraisal Team (LAT) reviews EL student progress and considers which students may be ready for reclassification.
Students are reclassified as Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) when they are able to comprehend, speak, read, and write English well enough to receive instruction in an English language mainstream classroom and make academic progress at a level substantially equivalent to that of students of the same age or grade whose primary language is English and who are in the regular course of study. (EdCode 52164.6)
The LAT uses the EUSD Reclassification Form and EUSD Reclassification Resource Guide to make recommendations for ELs. Students are either identified as RFEP or remain classified as ELs at the close of the reclassification review process. ELs can be considered for the reclassification process at a later date as the year progresses and their skill level increases.
How can you get involved?
EUSD recognizes that effective parent engagement and involvement is a critical component to the successful education of their children. As part of the District’s effort to systematically involve parents of ELs in the education of their children, the District establishes policies and procedures for an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) at the Evergreen Elementary School site (Each School with twenty (20) or more ELs must establish a functioning ELAC).
At this time, due to student numbers, we do not have any other ELAC Committees and also do not have a District English Learner Advisory Committee for that same reason (Each District with fifty-one (50) or more ELs must establish a functioning DELAC). (EdCode 52176; 5 CCR 11308)
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) at Evergreen Elementary School
The ELAC is an advisory committee whose purpose is to provide input and advice to the site administration. ELAC is not a decision making council nor does it approve expenditures from any funding source. However, it does provide input and advice on school decisions and the use of funding sources dedicated to ELs.
Parents who serve on the ELAC are elected by parents/guardians of EL and must make up at least the same percentage of the committee membership as their children represent of the student body. (5 CCR 111308).
**If you are interested in participating in the ELAC, please contact your school site office.