Parents & Guardians
The purpose of this Committee shall be:
• Be a parent/guardian of an Evergreen Union School District student.
• Understand the importance of parent participation and involvement.
• Be willing to commit to a minimum of three meetings per year. All meetings will be held virtually.
Family Guide to Student Supports
We care deeply about our students’ well-being, and we know that their academic and social-emotional health are all components of that well-being. That’s why we offer a wide array of academic, social-emotional and mental health services to students.
Providing multiple levels of supports for our students is not a separate program, class, or intervention but rather a way of organizing our schools to help support all students. The goal is to celebrate our students for who they are and to help them achieve their individual goals.This page has information on the many types of support that are available for students:
Schoolwide/Classroom Support Tier I
We strive to create a safe, healthy space for students to have optimal opportunity to learn. In addition, we provide services and instruction that lead to ever increasing student achievement outcomes.
The EUSD Creed/Expectations and Code of Conduct are an integral part of every classroom/space across all campuses. The adults in the system strive to build relationships with the students and redirect them when students struggle to behave in accordance with expectations.
All students receive weekly SELSecond Step instruction in an environment where the adult uses trauma-invested practices, including but not limited to shifts in language that support a child-centered learning environment. The adults in the system use the EUSD Responding to Behavior protocols when students struggle to behave in accordance with expectations.
The students are provided with an engaging and supportive academic learning environment and comprehensive curriculum rooted in the EUSD Literacy Habits of Mind, whereby content knowledge, meaning making, language development, and effective expression are interwoven into learning opportunities. The adults in the system use research-based academic instructional moves and intervention strategies as appropriate to ensure students are learning and growing.
Intervention Support Tier II
Students are provided with supports beyond Tier I when it is recognized that they are not responding to the Tier I intervention with success. Student Success Team Meetings are held and subsequent interventions are put in place; a problem-solving process to plan interventions and monitor progress is established. SST Meetings can be held for academic, social-emotional, mental health, or attendance concerns. Students continue to receive all of the school-wide/classroom supports, as well as the additional support.
Intervention Support Tier III
In addition to the schoolwide/classroom supports and Tier II Interventions, students can also be placed at the center of individual problem-solving teams. These teams include parents and staff who collaborate to create individualized support plans for students. For example, students with IEPs or students who may need to be placed in alternative settings or provided with subsequent supports.
What Can I Do If My Child Is Struggling and Needs Help?
Starting with your student's classroom teacher is a great first step for seeking support. Always reach out to them first. They can meet with you regarding your child’s progress and discuss any concerns; they can also schedule a Student Success Team meeting in support of your child.
Curriculum & Instruction
English Language Arts, Mathematics, History-Social Science, and Science are the core academic areas of instruction for our District. Literacy is integrated into all instruction in these content areas. We use state-adopted curriculum materials for all core instruction, with additional resources used, as needed, to support interventions for students who are in need or those who need additional challenges. Assessment is used to inform this instruction to ensure ever increasing student achievement outcomes; subsequent support is provided for students as necessary to ensure they are engaged and progressing.
- English Language Arts/English Language Development
- Grades TK-K/5-6 Benchmark Advance
- Grades 1-4 Benchmark 2.5
- Grades 7-8 StudySync
- Other Resources
- Renaissance Place
- Lexia
- Zoo Phonics
- Being a Writer
- Mathematics
- Grade TK Guided Math
- Grades K-8 Into Math
- History-Social Science
- Grades K-5 TCI Social Studies Alive!
- Grades 6-8 TCI History Alive!
- Other Resources
- Interact Simulations
- Science
- Grades TK-8 - Inspire Science
- Other Resources
- Mystery Science
- Social Emotional Learning
- Grades TK-8 Second Step, Bullying Prevention Unit, Child Protection Unit
- Health
- Grades 3-6 Health Smart
- Grades 3-6 Botvin Life Skills
- Grade 5 Always Changing
- Grades 7-8 Erika's Lighthouse
- Grades 7-8 Three Strands Global
- Grades 7-8 Positive Prevention
- Grades 7-8 Essential Health Skills
- UC Davis CalFresh
- Stanford Toolkit
- Collaborative Agreements exist for the use of all of these materials
- iReady

Volunteering at School
Parents/guardians involvement in his/her child’s educational experience is encouraged. We have multiple opportunities for parents/guardians as well as community members to be involved including Site Council, Wellness Committee, PTO, Parent Advisory Committee to name a few. Please contact your school office if you are interested. Due to campus security and to reduce classroom disruptions, we ask all visitors to abide by these guidelines:
- Visitors MUST check in at the front office before going to classrooms or playgrounds. *Identification is required.
- All visitors will be identified by staff and students by wearing a “Visitor Pass”.
- Visits must be prearranged (at least 24 hours in advance).
- No other children (cousins, friends, etc.) will be permitted to accompany the parent during the visit.
- No electronic listening or recording device may be used by students or visitors in a classroom without the teacher and principal’s permission (Education Code Section 51512)
Any person wishing to volunteer on a regular, ongoing basis, more than thirty minutes a week, will need the following items completed before beginning volunteer services:
- Proof of a negative Tuberculosis test must be received. Current (within the last 60 days) TB tests are good for four years and can be given by Shasta County Health Department, Tehama County Health Department, your family doctor, or many walk-in clinics.
- Cash or check in the amount of $47.00 if you have resided in the state of California in the last 7 years OR the amount of $62.00 if you have lived outside the state of California in the last 7 years. Please make checks payable to Evergreen Union School District.
- Contact the District Office at 347-3411 to schedule an appointment to receive livescan paperwork.
- Payment is due when you pick up and fill out the live scan paperwork.
- AFTER a live scan form appointment, you will then proceed to the Tehama County Department of Education to submit your livescan to be read.
- The Volunteer Application is available at each school site office.
Once you have completed the attached Volunteer Application and completed the above items, a district secretary will contact you regarding your volunteer status and volunteer start date.
Thank you for volunteering!
For questions please contact 347-3411
Parent Links & Payment Options
Parent Links:
EUSD uses a student information system called "Aeries" for a wide variety of purposes, including enrollment, back-to-school registration, student records, and keeping track of daily attendance. The Aeries Family Portal allows parents/guardians and students to access test scores, grades, report cards, standardized test results, class schedules, teacher assignments, attendance logs and more.
How do I access Aeries?
- Parents/guardians who are new and have never accessed EUSD’s Aeries Family Portal: Aeries accounts are created automatically based on the email address provided to the District at the time of enrollment. An automated email from will be sent to parent contacts.
- Parents/guardians who are not new to EUSD but cannot log into the Aeries Portal: Please try the “Forgot Password?” link on the Aeries Portal login page. Click on this link and submit the email address you use to log in. Follow the instructions, and you will receive an email with a temporary login. If you do not receive the email within 10 to 20 minutes, be sure to check your spam/junk folder. If you still have issues accessing the Aeries Portal, contact your student’s school site.
What if I do not have Internet access?
You can access the Aeries Family Portal on your smart phone and/or you can download the Aeries Mobil App. Links to download the mobile app are available on the Aeries Family Portal login page.
If you do not have a cell phone and do not have access to the Internet at home, local library, or other location, your child’s school can also provide access to a school computer.
Athletic Clearance
We are so glad that you are signing up to be a student-athlete for the Evergreen Union School District. Please complete the process below. (If you do not have internet at home, please ask for a paper copy or come to the school office and use a Chromebook.)
- Visit the Athletic Clearance Website (
- Create an account. Click the “Create an Account” link to register. Provide a valid email address and password. (Email verification is required prior to registration so be sure you include a valid email address.) If you have any issues creating your account, please see this helpful page.
- Once you create an account, you will receive a code (via email or on screen). Enter this code to continue the process. (If the email is not in your inbox, make sure you check your junk or spam folder.)
- Login at Athletic Clearance Website using the username and password you created via the instructions above.
- Select:
- The current school year.
- The site (Evergreen Middle School or Bend Elementary School).
- The season (cross country, baseball, softball, track).
- (If you are a multi-sport athlete, select all the sports you think you will participate in at the beginning of the school year. You can always go back in if you need to, but selecting multiple sports initially will make the process easier.)
- Complete the clearance process:
- Section #1 - Student Information - complete all required fields
- *Note - All athletes are required to have insurance. (If you would like to obtain insurance please contact the school main office for more information.)
- We DO NOT require your child to have a sports physical to participate.
- Section #2 - Medical History - complete all required fields
- Section #3 - Parent/Guardian Information - complete all required fields
- Section #4 - Signatures - read all documents and provide your electronic signature for each form; both parents/guardians and students have forms to review in this section
- CLICK SUBMIT (We DO NOT require you to print the confirmation message, sign it and return it to the Athletic Director.)
All of the data will be electronically filed with your school’s athletic department for review. When the student has been cleared for participation, an email notification will be sent.
If you designate another adult to transport your child to/from athletic events, please contact the school office and add this adult to your child’s pick up list.
Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance:
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The purpose of this Committee shall be:
- To assist the District in planning forward to ensure that we attend to our vision, "All Children Can Learn, and Together We Make the Difference."
To continue to build strong relationships with our parents/guardians and work together to support the children of our community.
To review, recommend, and advise the District on matters pertaining to ever-evolving Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). (This plan grounds all District work with the goals of : 1) creating a safe, healthy space for students to have optimal opportunity to learn; 2) providing services and instruction that lead to ever-increasing student achievement outcomes; and 3) ensuring all students are supported and challenged in this process in an engaging environment.)
A Parent/Guardian Advisory Committee applicant must meet the qualifications listed below:
• Be a parent/guardian of an Evergreen Union School District student.
• Understand the importance of parent participation and involvement.
• Be willing to commit to a minimum of three meetings per year. All meetings will be held virtually.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this Committee, please contact your site Principal for more information.